About us

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About us:

 We are a grassroots program offering insight and inspiration to young teens and adults who are looking to carve out a path in the creative & performing arts world. Our guests range from performing artists, musicians, hair stylists and more. Our guests will discuss their kick ball change moments, and how they grew threw them, in hopes to inspire the next generation of artists to pursue their own creative dreams. The dance step Kick Ball Change can be found throughout all genres of dance. If you are unfamiliar with the step itself, it simply is a Kick forward, and change of weight backwards, to end up in the place you started in. This step relates to life, as we all will experience a moment we try to push forward, go backwards, and end in the same place we started- almost like a status quo.


The Kick Ball Change Moment: We ask this question to all our guests, and we would love for you to think about any important KBC moments that happened in your career path. A “KBC” life moment, like the step; it takes you backwards after putting energy forward and you end in the place you started, so a moment or moments that impacted you were you tried to do something, only to find the energy keeping you in a status quo – How did you move forward through it, and how can your KBC life moment offer insight to support this next generation?

Our goals:

To inspire the next generation of creative artists to pursue their dreams and goals. We inspire through the journeys of others, and to remind all artists, that the Kick Ball Change is simply a step in this grand performance of life!

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Kick Ball Change Podcast





Thank you for sharing the honesty in these podcasts. Most artists have had moments that they feel they are in the weeds, and this podcast helped me to reframe my mental game!!

M Larson


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